Error Codes

Error codes that are returned when running Universal Library or Universal Library for .NET are listed below. Universal Library .NET errors can be referenced from the MccDaq.ErrorInfo.Message property.

Each entry in the list has four parts:

Both the Universal Library function and its Universal Library .NET equivalent method are referred to when appropriate. Error code and error messages are identical for both programming libraries. The only difference in the error names used by each library is the case the Universal Library error names are all uppercase (for example NOERRORS), while the Universal Library for .NET error names are mixed case (for example NoErrors).

0NOERRORS No error has occurred
 The function executed successfully.
1BADBOARD Invalid board number
  The BoardNum argument that was specified does not match any of the boards that are listed in the configuration file. Run the configuration program to check which board numbers are configured.
2DEADDIGITALDEV Digital device is not responding.
  The digital device on the specified board is not responding. Either the board was installed incorrectly or the board is defective. Run the configuration program and make sure that the correct board was installed.
3DEADCOUNTERDEV Counter device is not responding.
  The counter device on the specified board is not responding. Either the board was installed incorrectly or the board is defective. Run the configuration program and make sure that the correct board was installed.
4DEADDADEV D/A is not responding.
  The D/A device on the specified board is not responding. Either the board was installed incorrectly or the board is defective. Run the configuration program and make sure that the correct board was installed.
5DEADADDEV A/D is not responding.
  The A/D device on the specified board is not responding. Either the board was installed incorrectly or the board is defective. Run the configuration program and make sure that the correct boards was installed.
6NOTDIGITALCONF Selected board does not have digital I/O.
  A digital I/O function or method was called with a board number that referred to a board that does not support digital I/O. Run the configuration program to see which type of board that board number refers to.
7NOTCOUNTERCONF Selected board does not have a counter.
  A counter function or method was called with a board number that referred to a board that does not have a counter. Run the configuration program to see which type of board that board number refers to.
8NOTDACONF Selected board does not have a D/A.
  An analog output function or method was called with a board number that referred to a board that does not have an analog output (D/A). Run the configuration program to see which type of board the board number refers to.
9NOTADCONF Selected board does not have an A/D.
  An analog input function or method was called with a board number that referred to a board that does not have an analog input (A/D). Run the configuration program to see which type of board that board number refers to.
10NOTMUXCONF Selected board does not have thermocouple inputs.
  A thermocouple input function or method was called with a board number that does not support thermocouple inputs, or is not connected to an EXP board. Run the configuration program to view/change the board configuration.
11BADPORTNUM Invalid digital port number.
  The Port number that was specified for a digital I/O function does not exist on the specified board.
12BADCOUNTERDEVNUM Invalid counter device.
  The Counter Number that was specified for a counter function does not exist on the board that was specified.
13BADDADEVNUM Invalid D/A device.
  The D/A channel that was specified for an analog output function does not exist on the board that was specified.
14BADSAMPLEMODE Invalid sample mode.
  A sample mode that is not supported on this board (SINGLEIO, DMAIO or BLOCKIO) was specified in the Options argument. Try running the function without setting any of the Sample Mode options.
15BADINT Board configured for invalid interrupt level.
  No interrupt was selected in InstaCal and one is required, or the board is set for "compatible mode" and the interrupt level selected is not supported in this mode. Interrupts above 7 are not valid in compatible mode. Either change the switch setting on the board to "enhanced mode", or change the interrupt level with the configuration program to something less than 8.
16BADADCHAN Invalid A/D channel number.
  An invalid channel argument was passed to an analog input function or method. The range of valid channel numbers depends on which A/D board you are using - refer to the board manual. For some boards it also depends on how the board is configured (with a switch). For those boards run the configuration program and check how many channels the board is configured for.
17BADCOUNT Invalid count.
  An invalid Count argument was specified to a function or method. If this error occurs during cbAInScan()/AInScan(), increasing the Count should correct the problem. For boards using DMAIO, adjust the data buffer and Count above (HighChan-LowChan+1)*Rate/100 for CONTINUOUS mode scans. However, those boards using BLOCKIO, require a user buffer and Count large enough to hold at least one half FIFO worth of samples (typically, 512 samples) for CONTINUOUS mode scans.
18BADCNTRCONFIG Invalid counter configuration specified.
  An invalid Config argument was passed to cbC8254Config/C8254Config. The only legal values are HIGHONLASTCOUNT, ONESHOT, RATEGENERATOR, SQUAREWAVE, SOFTWARESTROBE and HARDWARESTROBE.
19BADDAVAL Invalid D/A value.
  An invalid D/A value was passed as an argument/parameter to an analog output function or method. The only legal values are 0 to 4,095 for 12-bit boards or 0 to 65,535 for 16-bit boards (see the "Visual Basic signed integers" discussion at the beginning of the "Counter Boards" section in the Universal Library User's Guide).
20BADDACHAN Invalid D/A channel number.
  An invalid D/A channel was passed as an argument/parameter to an analog output function or method. The legal range of values depends on which D/A board you are using. Refer to the board manual to find how many D/A channels it has.
22ALREADYACTIVE Background operation already in progress.
  An attempt was made to start a second background process on the same board before the first one had completed. Background processes are started whenever the BACKGROUND option is used by cbCStoreOnInt()/CStoreOnInt(). To stop a background operation, call cbStopBackground()/StopBackground(). To wait for a background process to complete. To wait for a background process to complete call cbGetStatus()/GetStatus() and wait for status=IDLE.
23PAGEOVERRUN DMA transfer crossed page boundary, may have gaps in data.
  When a DMA transfer crosses a 64K memory page boundary on boards without FIFO buffers, there may be a small gap (missing samples) in the data. For applications requiring high speed transfers of greater than 32K samples, please select a board with a FIFO buffer. For boards without, check the data for gaps and do not specify rates over that at which gapless data may be taken. This is system-specific, so you must determine the rate by experimentation.
24BADRATE Invalid sampling rate.
  Invalid sampling rate argument was specified. The rate was either zero, a negative number or it was higher than the selected board supports. Refer to board-specific information for board maximum rates.
25COMPATMODE Board switches set for Compatible mode.
  An operation was attempted that is not possible when the board's switch is" set for 'compatible' operation. The Most likely causes are due to using the BLOCKIO option or the pre-triggering functions. Either turn off the 'compatible' mode switch on the board or don't use the BLOCKIO option or the pre-triggering functions.
26TRIGSTATE Incorrect initial trigger state - trigger must start at TTL low.
  Boards that use "polled gate" triggering require that the trigger be "off" when a pre-trigger functions is first called. It then waits for the trigger signal. Make sure that the Trigger Input line (usually D0) is held at TTL low before calling the pre-trigger function.
27ADSTATUSHUNG A/D is not responding.
  The A/D board is not responding as it should. Usually indicates some kind of hardware problem - either defective hardware or more than one board at the same base address.
28TOOFEW Trigger occurred before the requested number of samples were collected.
  A pre-trigger function or method was called and the trigger signal occurred before the requested number of samples could be collected. This is only a warning message. The function or method continued anyway. The data that was returned to the array will contain fewer than the expected number of points. The function or method will return the actual number of pre-trigger points and the total number of points. You can use these two values to find your way around the data in the array.
29OVERRUN Data overrun - data was lost.
  Data was lost during an analog input because the computer could not keep up with the A/D sampling rate. This typically can only happen with the file input functions or methods, or by using SINGLIO mode. Possible solutions include lowering the sampling rate, defragmenting the "streamer" file, switching to a RAM disk, or lowering the count.
30BADRANGE Invalid voltage or current range.
  Invalid Range argument was specified to an analog input or output function or method. The board does not support the gain you specified. Refer to board-specific information for a list of allowable ranges.
31NOPROGGAIN This A/D board does not have programmable gain.
  Invalid Range argument was passed to an analog input function or method. The selected board does not support programmable gains so the only valid Range argument is 0. (This argument is ignored for these board types in later versions of the library.)
32BADFILENAME Specified file name is not valid.
  The FileName argument/parameter that was passed to a file function is not valid. It is either an empty string or a NULL pointer.
33DISKISFULL Disk is full, could not complete operation.
  A file operation failed before completing because the disk that it was writing to is full. Try erasing some files from the disk. If this error occurred during either cbFileAInScan()/FileAInScan() or cbFilePretrig()/FilePretrig() it indicates another problem. The disk space for these commands should have been previously allocated with the MAKESTRM.EXE program. If this error is generated when data is being collected it indicates that you did not allocate a large enough file with MAKESTRM.EXE.
34COMPATWARN Board switch set to compatible mode - sampling speed may be limited.
  The board's switch is set for "compatible mode." When in "compatible mode," BLOCKIO transfers are not possible. BLOCKIO sampling was specified but it has automatically been changed to DMAIO transfers. The maximum sampling rate will be limited to the maximum rate for DMA transfers. Change the "compatible mode" switch on the board if you want to use BLOCKIO transfers.
35BADPOINTER Pointer is not valid.
  An invalid (NULL) pointer was passed as an argument/parameter to a function or method.
37RATEWARNING Sample rate may be too fast for SINGLEIO mode.
  The specified sampling rate MAY be too high. The maximum allowable sampling rate depends very much on the computer that the program is running on. This warning is generated based on the slowest CPU speed. Your computer may be able to sustain faster rates, but, you should expect the computer to lock up (fail to respond to keyboard input) if you do exceed the sampling rate your computer can sustain.
  The CONVERTDATA and BACKGROUND options can not be used together when the board is transferring data via DMA. Possible solutions include: Use cbAConvertData()/AConvertData() to convert the data after it is collected. Don't use the BACKGROUND option. Use the BLOCKIO option if your A/D board supports it. Use the SINGLEIO option if your computer is fast enough to support the selected sampling rate.
39DTCONNECTERR Board does not support the DTCONNECT option.
  The DTCONNECT option was passed to an analog input function or method. The selected board does not support that option.
  The CONTINUOUS option was passed to a function or method without also setting the BACKGROUND option. This is not allowed. Any time you set the CONTINUOUS option you must also set the BACKGROUND option.
41BADBOARDTYPE This function or method cannot be used with this board.
  An attempt was made to call a function or method for a board that does not support that function or method.
42WRONGDIGCONFIG Digital port not configured correctly for requested operation.
  Some of the digital bits or ports (FIRSTPORTA - EIGHTHPORTCH) must be configured as inputs OR outputs but not both. An attempt was made to use a digital input function or method on a port or bit that was configured as an output or vice versa. Use cbDConfigPort()/DConfigPort() or cbDConfigBit()/DConfigBit() to switch a port's (or bits) direction. If the board you are using contains configurable port types and you do not call cbDConfigPort()/DConfigPort() or cbDConfigBit()/DConfigBit() in your program, then all of the configurable ports will be in an unknown state (input or output).
43NOTCONFIGURABLE This digital port is not configurable (it's an In/Out port).
  cbDConfigPort()/DConfigPort() or cbDConfigBit()/DConfigBit() was called for a port that is not configurable. Check the PortNum argument passed to cbDConfigPort() and make sure that it is in the range FIRSTPORTA - EIGHTHPORTCH. If PortNum is AUXPORT, make sure your hardware supports configuration of this port type. If not then there is no need to call this function or method.
44BADPORTCONFIG Invalid digital port configuration.
  The Direction argument passed to cbDConfigPort()/DConfigPort() or cbDConfigBit()/DConfigBit() is invalid. It must be set to either DIGITALIN or DIGITALOUT.
45BADFIRSTPOINT First point number is not valid.
  The FirstPoint argument to cbFileRead ()/FileRead() is invalid. It is either a negative number or it is larger then the number of points in the file.
46ENDOFFILE Attempted to read past the end of the file.
  cbFileRead()/FileRead() attempted to read beyond the end of the file. Check the file length with cbFileGetInfo()/FileGetInfo() and make sure that the FirstPoint and Count arguments to cbFileRead()/FileRead() are correct for that file length.
47NOT8254CTR This board does not have an 8254 counter.
  cbC8254Config()/C8254Config()was called for a board that has a counter but not an 8254 counter. This function or method can only be used with an 8254 counter.
48NOT9513CTR This board does not have a 9513 counter.
  cbC9513Config()/C9513Config()was called for a board that has a counter but not a 9513 counter. This function or method can only be used with a 9513 counter.
49BADTRIGTYPE Invalid TrigType.
  cbATrig()/(ATrig()) was called with an invalid TrigType argument. It must be set to either TRIGABOVE or TRIGBELOW.
50BADTRIGVALUE Invalid TrigValue.
  cbATrig()/ATrig() was called with an invalid TrigValue argument/parameter. It must be in the range 0 - 4,095 for 12-bit boards or 0 to 65,535 for 16-bit boards (see the "Visual Basic signed integers" discussion at the beginning of the "Counter Boards" section in the Universal Library User's Guide.)
52BADOPTION Invalid option specified for this function or method.
  The Option argument contains an option that is not valid for this function or method.
53BADPRETRIGCOUNT Invalid PreTrigCount specified.
  Either cbAPretrig()/APretrig()or cbFilePretrig()/FilePretrig() was called with an invalid PretrigCount argument. The pre-trigger count must not be <0, and must be less than TotalCount – 512. It also must be less than 32k for cbAPretrig()/APretrig(), and less than 16k for cbFilePretrig()/FilePretrig().
55BADDIVIDER Invalid FOutDivider value.
  The FOutDivider argument to cbC9513Init()/C9513Init() is not valid. It must be in the range 0 to 15.
56BADSOURCE Invalid FOutSource value.
  The FOutSource argument to cbC9513Init() (C9513Init()) is not valid. It must be one of the following values: CTRINPUT1, CTRINPUT2, CTRINPUT3, CTRINPUT4, CTRINPUT5, GATE1, GATE2, GATE3, GATE4, GATE5, FREQ1, FREQ2, FREQ3, FREQ4, FREQ5 (for example 0 to 15).
57BADCOMPARE Invalid compare value.
  One or both of the compare arguments to cbC9513Init()/C9513Init() are not valid. They must be set to (CB)ENABLED or (CB)DISABLED (1 or 0).
58BADTIMEOFDAY Invalid TimeOfDay value.
  The TimeOfDay argument to cbC9513Init()/C9513Init() is not valid. It must be set to either ENABLED or DISABLED (1 or 0).
59BADGATEINTERVAL Invalid Gate Interval value.
  The GateInterval argument to cbCFreqIn()/CFreqIn() is not valid. It must be greater than 0.
60BADGATECNTRL Invalid Gate Control value.
  The GateControl argument to cbC9513Config()/C9513Config() is not valid. It must be in the range 0 to 7.
61BADCOUNTEREDGE Invalid Counter Edge value.
  The CounterEdge argument to cbC9513Config()/C9513Config() is not valid. It must be set to either POSITIVEEDGE or NEGATIVEEDGE.
62BADSPCLGATE Invalid SpecialGate value.
  The SpecialGate argument to cbC9513Config()/C9513Config() is not valid. It must be set to either (CB)ENABLED or (CB)DISABLED (1 or 0).
63BADRELOAD Invalid Reload value.
  The Reload argument to cbC9513Config()/C9513Config() is not valid. It must be set to either LOADREG or LOADANDHOLDREG.
64BADRECYCLEFLAG Invalid Recycle Mode value.
  The RecycleMode argument to cbC9513Config()/C9513Config() is not valid. It must be set to either (CB)ENABLED or (CB)DISABLED (1 or 0).
65BADBCDFLAG Invalid BCD Mode value.
  The BCDMode argument/parameter to cbC9513Config()/C9513Config() is not valid. It must be set to either (CB)ENABLED or (CB)DISABLED (1 or 0).
66BADDIRECTION Invalid Count Direction value.
  The CountDirection argument to cbC9513Config() (C9513Config()) is not valid. It must be set to either COUNTUP or COUNTDOWN.
67BADOUTCONTROL Invalid Output Control value.
  The OutputControl argument to cbC9513Config() (C9513Config()) is not valid. It must be set to either ALWAYSLOW, HIGHPULSEONTC, TOGGLEONTC, DISCONNECTED or LOWPULSEONTC.
68BADBITNUMBER Invalid BitNum specified.
  The BitNum argument to cbDBitIn() or cbDBitOut() (DBitIn() or DBitOut()) is not valid. The valid range of bit numbers depends on the selected board. If it is a DIO24 compatible board, the maximum bit number is 23. If it's a DIO96, the maximum bit number is 95. Refer to board-specific information in the Universal Library User's Guide or in your hardware manual.
69NONEENABLED None of the counter channels were enabled.
  None of the counter channels were marked as (CB)ENABLED in the CntrControl array that was passed to cbCStoreOnInt()/CStoreOnInt(). At least one of the counter channels must be enabled.
70BADCTRCONTROL An element of Cntr Control array not set to ENABLED or DISABLED
  One of the elements of the CntrControl array that was passed to cbCStoreOnInt()/(CStoreOnInt()) was set to something other then (CB)ENABLED or (CB)DISABLED. The array must have at least ten elements, and the first ten elements must be set to either (CB)ENABLED or (CB)DISABLED.
71BADEXPCHAN Invalid EXP channel specified.
  An invalid channel was passed to one of the thermocouple input commands. The channel number when using an EXP board must be ≥16. The maximum allowable channel number depends on which EXP board is being used (and how many of them). Refer to the board manual to find the number of channels.
72WRONGADRANGE Board set to wrong A/D range for reading thermocouples.
  A thermocouple input function or method was called to read an EXP board input. The EXP board is connected to an A/D board with hardware selected gain that is set to the wrong range. When using EXP boards with thermocouples, the A/D must be set to the –5 to +5 volt range when available. When using RTD sensors, the range is 0 to 10V when available.
73OUTOFRANGE Temperature input is out of range.
  A thermocouple input function or method returned an invalid temperature. This usually indicates an open connection in the thermocouple or its connection to the mux board.
74BADTEMPSCALE Invalid temperature scale specified
  The Scale argument to a thermocouple input function or method is not valid. It must be set to either CELSIUS, FAHRENHEIT, KELVIN, VOLTS or NOSCALE.

Set to VOLTS to read the voltage input of a thermocouple. Refer to board-specific information in the Universal Library User's Guide to determine if the hardware supports this option.

Set to NOSCALE to retrieve raw data from a device. Specifying NOSCALE returns calibrated data, however a cold junction compensation (CJC) correction factor is not applied to the returned values. Refer to board-specific information in the Universal Library User's Guide to determine if the hardware supports this option.
76NOQUEUE Specified board does not have channel/gain queue.
  The function or method that was called requires that the board has a channel/gain queue. The specified board does not have a queue.
77CONTINUOSCOUNT Count must be > the packet size to use continuous mode.
  The Count argument is not valid for continuous mode. Using BLOCKIO mode, the Count argument must be large enough to cause at least one interrupt. This is usually half the size of the boards FIFO (typical sizes are 256, 512, and 1,024). Refer to the board-specific information in the Universal Library User's Guide.
78UNDERRUN D/A FIFO went empty during output.
  The specified D/A output rate could not be sustained. Try increasing the size of the data buffer or reducing the update rate to eliminate the error.
79BADMEMMODE Invalid memory mode specified.
  The memory mode that was selected with cbMemSetDTMode()/MemSetDTMode() is not one of the valid modes.
80FREQOVERRUN Measured frequency too high for selected gating interval.
  The GateInterval argument used with cbCFreqIn()/CFreqIn() is too large to measure the frequency of the signal connected to the counter. The counter is overflowing. Decrease the gating interval to eliminate the error.
81NOCJCCHAN A CJC Channel must be configured to make temperature measurements.
  When the board was installed with the InstaCal installation program, no Cold Junction Compression (CJC) channel was selected. To use the temperature measurement functions or methods with thermocouples, you must first select a CJC channel on the A/D board and then rerun the InstaCal installation program.
82BADCHIPNUM Invalid ChipNum specified.
  An invalid ChipNum argument was used with cbC9513Init()/C9513Init(). If the board is CTR05, set ChipNum to 0. If the board is a CTR10, set ChipNum to either 0 or 1.
83DIGNOTENABLED The digital I/O on this board is not enabled.
  When the board was installed with the InstaCal installation program, the expansion digital I/O was set to DISABLED. To use these digital I/O lines, you must enable the digital I/O on the board (with a jumper) and then re-run the InstaCal installation program and set the digital I/O to ENABLED.
84CONVERT16BITS CONVERTDATA option can not be used with 16-bit A/D converters.
  When using a 16-bit A/D (DAS1600/16), if you try to use the CONVERTDATA option with cbAInScan()/AInScan() or call cbAConvertData()/AConvertData(), this error is returned. (This has been updated in later versions of the library so that it is ignored for boards for which it is inappropriate.)
85NOMEMBOARD The EXTMEMORY option requires that a MEGA-FIFO be attached.
  Attempt to use a cbMem_() function or Mem_() method without a MEGA-FIFO board installed. Install MEGA-FIFO with InstaCal.
86DTACTIVE No memory read/write allowed while DT transfer in progress.
  A read or write to a memory board was attempted while data was being transferred via DT-Connect.
87NOTMEMCONF Specified board is not a memory board.
  The specified board is not a memory board. This function or method only works with memory boards.
88ODDCHAN The first channel in scan and number of channels must be even (0, 2, 4, and so on).
  Some boards use a channel/gain queue that require the first channel in the queue and the number of channels in the queue always be an even channel. This error can occur even when you are not in the process of loading the queue. Some boards use the queue automatically with cbAInScan()/AInScan(). On those boards the low channel must be an even number.
89CTRNOINIT Counter was not configured or initialized.
  You attempted to use cbCLoad() or cbCIn() (CLoad() or CIn()) before initializing and configuring the counter.
90NOT8536CTR This board does not have an 8536 counter chip.
  An attempt has been made to use 8536 initialization or configuration on board without an 8536 chip.
91FREERUNNING Board doesn't time A/D sampling. Collecting at fastest possible speed.
  This board does not have an A/D pacer mechanism and you have called cbAInScan()/(AInScan(). The A/D will be sampled in a tight software loop as fast as the CPU can execute the instructions. The speed of sampling is dependent on the computer and the concurrent tasks.
92INTERRUPTED Operation interrupted with <Ctrl-C>.
  A foreground operation was stopped before completion because either <Ctrl-C> or <Ctrl-Break> was pressed.
93NOSELECTORS No selector could be allocated.
  A Windows selector required by the library could not be allocated. Close any open Windows applications that are not required to be running, and try again.
94NOBURSTMODE This board does not support burst mode.
  An attempt was made to use the BURSTMODE option on a board which does not support that option.
95NOTWINDOWSFUNC This function is not available in Windows library.
  The library function you called is not supported in the current revision of Universal Library for Windows Languages. It may be supported in the future. Contact technical support.
96NOTSIMULCONF Board not configured for SIMULTANEOUS option.
  The configuration file of the D/A board in InstaCal must be set for simultaneous update before you use the SIMULTANEOUS option of cbAOutScan()/AOutScan(). The jumpers on the D/A board must be set for simultaneous update before it will work.
97EVENODDMISMATCH An even channel is in an odd slot in the queue, or vice versa.
  The channel gain queue on some A/D boards has a restriction that the channel numbers must be in even queue positions and odd channel numbers must be in odd queue positions.
98M1RATEWARNING Sampling speed to system memory MAY be too fast.
  The A/D board sampling speed you have requested may be too fast for the computer system bus transfer to complete before the next packet is ready for transfer. If this is the case, data will overrun and sample data will be garbled. This warning is initiated whenever you request a sample rate over 625 kHz, AND the sample set is larger than the FIFO buffer on the board, AND an external memory board, such as a MEGA-FIFO is not being used. Your system may be able to handle the rate requested but only experimentation will bear this out. Your system may be capable of the full 1 MHz rate directly to system memory.
99NOTRS485 Selected board is not a RS-485 board.
  An attempt was made to call cbRS485()/RS485() with a board that is not RS485 compatible.
100NOTDOSFUNCTION This function is not available in DOS.
  The function that was called is not available in the DOS version of the Universal Library.
101RANGEMISMATCH Bipolar and unipolar ranges cannot be used together in A/D queue.
  The channel/gain queue should only be loaded (via cbALoadQueue()/ALoadQueue()) with all unipolar or bipolar ranges.
102CLOCKTOOSLOW Sampling rate is too high for clock speed; change clock jumper on the board.
  The sampling rate that you requested is too fast. The A/D board pacer might be capable of running at a higher rate. Check the board for an XTAL jumper and, if it is not set for the highest rate, place the jumper in the position for the highest rate. After the jumper is set, re-run InstaCal.
103BADCALFACTORS Calibration factors are invalid - Disabling software calibration.
  The selected board uses software calibration and the stored calibration factors are invalid. Run InstaCal and calibrate the board before using it.
104BADCONFIGTYPE Invalid configuration information type specified.
  An invalid ConfigType argument was passed to either cbGetConfig() or cbSetConfig().
105BADCONFIGITEM Invalid configuration item specified.
  An invalid ConfigItem argument was passed to either cbGetConfig() or cbSetConfig().
106NOPCMCIABOARD Cannot access the PCMCIA board.
  Cannot access the specified PCMCIA board. Make sure that the PCMCIA Card & Socket Services are installed correctly and that the board was installed in the system correctly via InstaCal.
107NOBACKGROUND Board does not support background operation.
  The BACKGROUND option was used and the specified board does not support background operation.
108STRINGTOOSHORT The string argument is too short for the string being returned.
  The string passed to a library function or method is to small to contain the string that is being returned. Increase the size of the string to the minimum size specified for the function or method that you are using.
  You requested both the CONVERTDATA and EXTMEMORY option. These options cannot be used together. Collect the data without the CONVERTDATA option. After the data has been collected, read it back from the memory card (cbMemRead()/MemRead()or cbMemReadPretrig()/ MemReadPretrig()), and use cbAConvertData()/AConvertData()) to convert the data.
110BADEUADD Program error bad values used in cbFromEngUnits or cbToEngUnits().
  Invalid floating point data was used in cbFromEngUnits()/FromEngUnits()or cbToEngUnits/ToEngUnits(). Check the arguments passed to the relevant function or method.
111DAS16JRRATEWARNING Rates greater than 125 kHz must use on board 10 MHz clock.
  If a rate greater than 125 kHz is selected and the on board jumper is set for 1 MHz when using the CIO-DAS16/Jr, this warning is generated. Place the jumper on the 10MHz position and update your InstaCal settings.
112DAS08TOOLOW_RATE The desired sample rate is below hardware minimum.
  Increase the value of the Rate argument in cbAInScan()/AInScan(). The lowest pacer frequency is the clock frequency (usually 8 MHz ÷ 2) ÷ by 65,535 for the CIO-, PC104 and PCM- DAS08.
114AMBIGSENSORONGP More than one temperature sensor type defined for EXP-GP.
  Thermocouple and RTD types are both defined for an EXP-GP. cbTIn()/(TIn() and cbTInScan()/TInScan()) require that only one be defined to operate. Use InstaCal to set one of the sensor types to "Not Installed".
115NOSENSORTYPEONGP No temperature sensor type defined for EXP-GP.
  Neither Thermocouple nor RTD types are defined for an EXP-GP. cbTIn()/(TIn() and cbTInScan()/TInScan()) require that one and only one be defined to operate. Use InstaCal to set one of the sensor types to a predefined type.
116NOCONVERSIONNEEDED Selected 12-bit board already returns converted data.
  Some 12-bit boards do not need to have their data converted after a call to cbAInScan()/AInScan() with the NOCONVERTDATA option. These boards return no channel tags and therefore return data in its proper format. Calling cbAConvertData()/AConvertData() with data generated from these boards will generate this warning.
  CONTINUOUS mode is ignored when used with the EXTMEMORY option.
118INVALIDPRETRIGCONVERT cbAConvertPretrigData called after cbAPretrig failed.
  The data you are attempting to convert with cbAConvertPretrigData()/ AConvertPretrigData() can not be converted because cbAPretrig()/APretrig() did not return a complete data set, probably due to an early trigger.
119BADCTRREG Bad counter argument passed to cbCLoad()
  The RegNum argument passed to cbCLoad() (CLoad()) is not a valid register.
120BADTRIGTHRESHOLD Low trigger threshold is greater than high threshold.
  The LowThreshold arguments to cbSetTrigger()/SetTrigger() must be < the HighThreshold.
121BADPCMSLOTREF NO PCM Card was found in the specified slot.
  This is usually caused by swapping PCMCIA cards and not re-running InstaCal. Run InstaCal.
122AMBIGPCMSLOTREF Two identical PCM cards found. Please specify exact slot in InstaCal.
  This error occurs in DOS mode only when InstaCal is configured for a PCMCIA card in "any slot". To correct the problem, run InstaCal, go to the Install menu and pop up the board's menu. Highlight PCMCIA slot and choose either "0" or "1".
123BADSENSORTYPE Invalid sensor type selected in InstaCal.
  The specified sensor type is not included in the allowed list of thermocouple/RTD types. Set the sensor type to a predefined type using InstaCal.
126CFGFILENOTFOUND Cannot find CB.CFG file.
  The CB.CFG file could not be found. This file should be located in the same directory in which you installed the software.
127NOVDDINSTALLED The CBUL.386 virtual device driver is not installed.
  The Windows device driver CBUL.386 is not installed on your system. Normally, it will be automatically installed when you run the standard installation program. The following line should be in your \windows\system.ini file in the [386Enh] section:
128NOWINDOWSMEMORY Requested amount of Windows page-locked memory is not available.
  The Windows device driver could not allocate the required amount of physical memory. This error should not normally occur unless you are collecting very large amounts of data or your system is very memory constrained. If you are collecting a very large block of memory, try collecting a smaller amount. If this is not an option, than consider using cbFileAInScan()/FileAInScan() instead of cbAInScan()/AInScan(). Also, if you are running other programs, try shutting them down.
129OUTOFDOSMEMORY Not enough DOS memory available.
  Try closing down any unneeded programs that are running.
130OBSOLETEOPTION Obsolete option specified for cbSetConfig/cbGetConfig.
  The specified configuration item is no longer supported in the 32 bit version of the Universal Library.
131NOPCMREGKEY No registry entry for this PCMCIA card.
  When running under Windows/NT, there must be an entry in the system registry for each PCMCIA card that you will be using with the system. This is ordinarily taken care of automatically by the Universal Library installation program. If this error occurs, contact technical support for assistance.
132NOCBUL32SYS CBUL32.SYS device driver is not installed.
  The Windows device driver CBUL.SYS is not installed on your system. Normally, it will be automatically installed when you run the MCC standard installation program. Contact technical support for assistance.
133NODMAMEMORY No DMA memory available to device driver.
  The Windows device driver could not allocate the minimum required amount of memory for DMA. If you are sampling at slower speeds, you can specify SINGLEIO in the Options argument to cbAInScan()/(AInScan(). This will prevent the library from attempting to use DMA. In general though, this error should not ordinarily occur. Contact technical support for assistance.
134IRQNOTAVAILABLE IRQ not available.
  The Interrupt Level that was specified for the board (in InstaCal) conflicts with another board in your computer. Try switching to a different interrupt level.
135NOT7266CTR This board does not have an LS7266 counter.
  This function or method can only be used with a board that contains an LS7266 chip. These chips are used on various quadrature encoder input boards.
136BADQUADRATURE Invalid Quadrature argument passed to cbC7266Config().
  The Quadrature argument must be set to either NO_QUAD, X1_QUAD, X2_QUAD, or X4_QUAD.
137BADCOUNTMODE Invalid counting mode specified.
138BADENCODING Invalid DataEncoding argument passed to cbC7266Config().
  The DataEncoding argument must be set to either BCD_ENCODING or BINARY_ENCODING.
139BADINDEXMODE Invalid IndexMode argument passed to cbC7266Config()
  The IndexMode argument must be set to either INDEX_DISABLED, LOAD_CTR, LOAD_OUT_LATCH, or RESET_CTR.
140BADINVERTINDEX Invalid InvertIndex argument passed to cbC7266Config()
  The InvertIndex argument must be set to either (CB)ENABLED or (CB)DISABLED.
141BADFLAGPINS Invalid FlagPins argument passed to cbC7266Config()
  The FlagPins argument must be set to either CARRY_BORROW, COMPARE_BORROW, CARRYBORROW_UPDOWN, or INDEX_ERROR.
142NOCTRSTATUS This board does not support cbCStatus()
  This board does not return any status information.
143NOGATEALLOWED Gating cannot be used when indexing is enabled.
  Gating and indexing can not be used simultaneously. If Gating is set to (CB)ENABLED, then IndexMode must be set to INDEX_DISABLED.
144NOINDEXALLOWED Indexing not allowed in non-quadrature mode
  Indexing is not supported when the Quadrature argument is set to NO_QUAD.
145OPENCONNECTION Temperature input has open connection
146BMCONTINUOUSCOUNT Count must be integer multiple of packet size for Continuous mode.
147BADCALLBACKFUNC Invalid pointer to callback function or delegate passed as argument.
148MBUSINUSE Metrabus in use
149MBUSNOCTLR Metrabus I/O card has no configured controller card
150BADEVENTTYPE Invalid event type specified for this board.
  Although this board does support cbEnableEvent()/EnableEvent(), it does not support one or more of the event types specified.
151ALREADYENABLED Event handler is already enabled for this event type.
  There is already an event handler bound to one or more of the events specified. To attach the new handler to the event type, first disable and disconnect the current handler using cbDisableEvent()/DisableEvent().
152BADEVENTSIZE Invalid event count has been specified
  The ON_DATA_AVAILABLE event requires an event count greater than (0).
153CANTINSTALLEVENT Unable to install event handler
  An internal error occurred while trying to setup the event handling.
154BADBUFFERSIZE Buffer is too small for operation
  The memory allocated by cbWinBufAlloc()/WinBufAlloc() is too small to hold all the data specified in the operation.
155BADAIMODE Invalid analog input mode
  Invalid analog input mode (RSE, NRSE, DIFF).
156BADSIGNAL Invalid signal type specified
  The specified signal type does not exist, or is not valid for signal direction specified.
  The specified connection does not exist, or is not valid for the signal type and direction specified.
158BADINDEX Invalid index specified.
  For Index >0, indicates that the specified index is beyond the end of the internal list of output connections assigned to the specified signal type.
159NOCONNECTION Invalid connection
  No connection is assigned to the specified signal.
160BADBURSTIOCOUNT Count cannot be greater than the FIFO size for BURSTIO mode. Furthermore, Count must be integer multiple of number of channels in scan.
  When using BURSTIO mode, the count entered cannot be larger than the FIFO size.
161DEADDEV Device has stopped responding.
  Check cable connections to USB device and to your computer's USB port.
163INVALIDACCESS Required access or privilege not acquired for specified operation. Please check for other users of device and restart application.
  You are currently not the device owner and therefore cannot change the state or configuration of the Ethernet device with functions such as cbAOut()/AOut(), cbDBitOut/DBitOut(), cbAInScan()/AInScan(), cbFlashLED()/FlashLED(), and others. However, you can still read the state or configuration of the Ethernet device with functions such as cbAIn()/AIn(), cbDBitIn()/DBitIn(), and so on.
164UNAVAILABLE Device unavailable at time of request. Please repeat operation.
  You requested an operation that conflicts with an operation in progress on the device. This error usually occurs in multithreaded applications or if you are running multiple applications that access the device. Both types of operations are not supported.
165NOTREADY Device is not ready to send data. Please repeat operation.
  You requested an operation that conflicts with an operation in progress on the device. This error can occur during device initialization.
169BITUSEDFORALARM The specified bit is used for alarm.
  You attempted to set the state of a digital output bit that is configured as an alarm input.
170PORTUSEDFORALARM One or more bits on the specified port are used for alarm.
  You attempted to write to a digital output port that contains a bit configured as an alarm input.
171PACEROVERRUN Pacer overrun; external clock rate too fast.
  You set the external clock rate to a value that is higher than the rate supported by the board.
172BADCHANTYPE Invalid channel type specified.
  You set the channel type to a type that is not supported by the board.
173BADTRIGSENSE Invalid trigger sensitivity specified.
  You set the trigger sensitivity to a value that is not supported by the board.
174BADTRIGCHAN Invalid trigger channel specified.
  You set the trigger channel to a value that is not supported by the board.
175BADTRIGLEVEL Invalid trigger level specified.
  You set the trigger level to a value that is not supported by the board.
176NOPRETRIGMODE Pretrigger mode is not supported for the specified trigger type.
  You selected a trigger source that does not support pre-trigger data acquisitions.
177BADDEBOUNCETIME Invalid debounce timing specified.
  You set the debounce time to a value that is not supported by the board.
178BADDEBOUNCETRIGMODE Invalid debounce trigger mode specified.
  You set the debounce trigger mode to a value that is not supported by the board.
179BADMAPPEDCOUNTER Invalid mapped channel specified.
  You mapped to a counter input channel that is not supported by the board.
180BADCOUNTERMODE Invalid counter mode specified.
  This function cannot be used with the current mode of the specified counter.
181BADTCCHANMODE Single-ended mode cannot be used for temperature input.
  You specified single-ended mode for use with a temperature input.
182BADFREQUENCY Invalid frequency specified.
  You specified a frequency value that is not supported by the board.
183BADEVENTPARAM Invalid event parameter specified.
  You specified an event parameter that is not supported by the board.
184NONETIFC No interface devices were found with the required PAN and channel.
  No interface devices were detected whose PAN ID and RF channel number match those of a remote device.
185DEADNETIFC The interface device(s) with the required PAN and channel has failed. Please check the connection.
  The interface device whose PAN ID and RF channel number match a remote device is not responding. Check the USB connection to the computer.
186NOREMOTEACK The remote device is not responding to commands and queries. Please check the device.
  The wireless remote device is not responding. Check that the device is powered, that its PAN ID and RF channel match the interface device, and that the LEDs are functioning.
187INPUTTIMEOUT The device acknowledged the operation, but has not completed before the timeout.
  The operation was acknowledged but has timed out before it was completed.
188MISMATCHSETPOINTCOUNT Number of setpoints is not equal to number of channels with a setpoint flag set.
  Set the number of setpoints equal to the number of channels with a setpoint flag set.
189INVALIDSETPOINTLEVEL Setpoint level is outside channel range.
  You specified a setpoint level that is outside of the range supported by the board.
190INVALIDSETPOINTOUTPUTTYPE Setpoint Output Type is invalid.
  You specified a setpoint output type that is not supported by the board.
191INVALIDSETPOINTOUTPUTVALUE Setpoint Output Value is outside channel range.
  You specified a setpoint output value that is outside of the range supported by the board.
192INVALIDSETPOINTLIMITS Setpoint Comparison Limit B greater than Limit A.
  Set the setpoint comparison value for limit A to be larger than the value set for limit B.
193STRINGTOOLONG The string length entered is too long for this operation.
  Enter a string up to the maximum number of characters specified for the function or method that you are using.
194INVALIDLOGIN An invalid user name or password has been entered.
  Check that the password and user name entered were correct. If either has been lost, use the device reset button to reset the device to default values.
195SESSIONINUSE Device session is already in use.
  Another user is currently logged in to a device session. Only one device session can be opened at a time.
196NOEXTPOWER External power is not connected.
  External power is required. Connect the device to an external power supply.
197BADDUTYCYCLE Invalid duty cycle specified.
  You attempted to set the duty cycle to a value not supported by the hardware.
200-299200-299 Internal 16-bit error
  Internal error occurred in the library. Refer to the specific errors below:
201CANT_LOCK_DMA_BUF DMA buffer could not be locked.
  There is not enough physical memory to lock down enough DMA memory for this operation. Try closing out other applications, or installing additional RAM.
202DMA_IN_USE DMA already controlled by another driver.
  The DMA controller is currently being used by another device, such as another DMA board or the floppy drive.
203BAD_MEM_HANDLE Invalid Windows memory handle.
  The memory handle supplied is invalid. Memory handles supplied to library functions and methods should be allocated using cbWinBufAlloc()/WinBufAlloc(), and should not be de-allocated until BACKGROUND operations using this buffer are complete or cancelled with cbStopBackground()/StopBackground().
300-399300-399 Internal 32-bit error. See specific errors below.
304CFG_FILE_READ_FAILURE Error reading from configuration file.
  The program was unable to read the configuration file CB.CFG. Confirm that CB.CFG was not deleted, moved, or renamed since the software installation.
305CFG_FILE_WRITE_FAILURE Error writing to configuration file.
  The program was unable to write to the configuration file CB.CFG. Confirm that CB.CFG is present and that its attributes are not set for Read-only. Also, check that not more than one application is trying to access this file.
308CFGFILE_CANT_OPEN Cannot open configuration file.
  The program was unable to open the configuration file CB.CFG. Confirm that CB.CFG was not deleted, moved, or renamed since the software installation.
325BAD_RTD_CONVERSION Overflow of RTD conversion.
  Either cbTIn()/TIn() or cbTInScan()/TInScan() returned an invalid temperature conversion. Confirm that the configuration matches the RTD type, and physical EXP board settings; pay particular attention to gain settings and RTD base resistance. Also, check that the RTD leads are securely attached to the EXP terminals. Finally, confirm that the board is measuring reasonable voltages via cbAIn()/AIn().
326NO_PCI_BIOS PCI BIOS not present on the PC.
  Could not locate the BIOS for the PCI bus. Consult PC supplier for proper installation of the PCI BIOS.
327BAD_PCI_INDEX Specified PCI board not detected.
  The specified PCI board was not detected. Check that the PCI board is securely installed into the PCI slot. Also, run InstaCal to locate/set valid base address and configuration.
328NO_PCI_BOARD Specified PCI board not detected.
  The specified PCI board was not detected. Check that the PCI board is securely installed into the PCI slot. Also, run InstaCal to locate/set valid base address and configuration.
334CANT_INSTALL_INT Cannot install interrupt handler. IRQ already in use.
  The device driver could not enable requested interrupt. Check that the selected IRQ is not already in use by another device. This error can also occur if a FOREGROUND scan was aborted; in such cases, rebooting the PC will correct the problem.
339CANT_MAP_PCM_CIS Unable to access Card Information Structure.
  A resource conflict between the specified PCMCIA or PC-Card device and another device prevents the system from allocating sufficient resources to map the onboard CIS.
343NO_USB_BOARD Specified USB board not detected.
344NOMOREFILES No more files in the directory.
  The end of the log file was reached before the file header was read.
345BADFILENUMBER No file exists for the specified file number.
  The specified binary file number does not exist.
347LOSSOFDATA The file may not contain all of the data from the logging session because the logging session was not terminated properly.
  The log file may be incomplete if the logging session is not properly terminated. Always end a logging session by pressing the data logging button until the LED turns off. Possible data loss may occur if the end of the log file is reached before the file header is read.
348INVALIDBINARYFILE The file is not a valid MCC binary file.
  The binary file was not logged from an MCC USB device with data logging capability, or the binary file was logged during a data logging session that was not properly terminated and is missing information.
349INVALIDDELIMITER Invalid delimiter specified for CSV file extension.
  When converting a binary log file to a comma-separated values text file (.CSV), the delimiter character must be set to a comma.
350NO_BTH_BOARD Specified Bluetooth board not detected.
351NO_NET_BOARD Specified Network board not detected.
400-499PCMCIA error Card & Socket Service error. Contact the manufacturer.
500-599Internal DOS error Contact the manufacturer.
600-699Internal Windows error Refer to specific errors below.
603WIN_CANNOT_ENABLE_INT Cannot enable interrupt. IRQ already in use.
  The device driver could not enable requested interrupt. Check that the selected IRQ is not already in use by another device. This error can also occur if a FOREGROUND scan was aborted; in such cases, rebooting the PC will correct the problem.
605WIN_CANNOT_DISABLE_INT Cannot disable interrupts.
  The device driver was unable to disable the IRQ. This can occur when interrupts are generated too fast for the PC to complete servicing. For example, sampling at high frequencies (above ~2 kHz) with scan mode set for SINGLEIO can lead to this error. Frequently, an OVERRUN error accompanies this condition.
606WIN_CANT_PAGE_LOCK_BUFFER Insufficient memory to page lock data buffer.
  There is not enough physical memory to lock down the entire data buffer. Try closing out other applications, selecting smaller data buffers, or installing additional RAM.
630NO_PCM_CARD PCM card not detected.
  The specified PCMCIA card was not detected. Confirm that the PCM card is securely plugged into PCMCIA slot. If the board continues to return this error, run InstaCal to reset the configuration.
801INVALIDGAINARRAYLENGTH The number of elements in the gain array must equal the number of channels in the scan.
  This error is generated when WinBufToEngArray() is called with the number of elements in gainArray is not equal to the number of channels specified. Make sure that the number of elements in the array is the same as the number of channels in the scan.
802INVALIDDIMENSION0LENGTH The length of dimension 0 in the data array must equal the number of channels in the scan.
  This error is generated when WinBufToEngArray() is called with the length of dimension 0 of EngUnits not equal to the number of channels specified. Make sure that the length of dimension 0 in the array is the same as the number of channels in the scan.
1000NOTEDSSENSOR No TEDS sensor was detected on the specified channel.
  Connect a TEDS sensor to the specified channel.
1001INVALIDTEDSSENSOR Connected TEDS sensor to the specified channel is not supported.
  Connect a TEDS sensor that is supported by the hardware to the specified channel.
1002CALIBRATIONFAILED Calibration failed.
  The attempt to calibrate the device has failed.
1003BITUSEDFORTERMINALCOUNTSTATUS The specified bit is used for terminal count status.
  The terminal count status must be disabled for a digital bit before it can be used for timer output or DIO operations.
1004PORTUSEDFORTERMINALCOUNTSTATUS One or more bits on the specified port are used for terminal count status.
  The terminal count status must be disabled for all digital bits before the port can be used for digital operations.
1005BADEXCITATION Invalid excitation specified
  Refer to board-specific information for valid values.
1006BADBRIDGETYPE Invalid bridge type specified
  Refer to board-specific information for valid values.
1007BADLOADVAL Invalid load value specified
  Refer to board-specific information for valid values.
1008BADTICKSIZE Invalid tick size specified
  Refer to board-specific information for valid values.
1009MINSLOPEVALREACHED Minimum slope value reached
  Refer to board-specific information for valid values.
1010MAXSLOPEVALREACHED Maximum slope value reached
  Refer to board-specific information for valid values.
1011MINOFFSETVALREACHED Minimum offset value value reached
  Refer to board-specific information for valid values.
1012MAXOFFSETVALREACHED Maximum offset value value reached
  Refer to board-specific information for valid values.
1013BTHCONNECTIONFAILED Bluetooth connection failed
 Verify the Bluetooth connection.
1014INVALIDBTHFRAME Invalid Bluetooth frame
  The specified Bluetooth frame is invalid.
1015BADTRIGEVENT Invalid trigger event specified
  Refer to board-specific information for valid values.
1016NETCONNECTIONFAILED Network connection failed
1017DATASOCKETCONNECTIONFAILED Data socket connection failed.
1019NETTIMEOUT Network device did not respond within expected time.
1020NETDEVNOTFOUND Network device not found.
1021INVALIDCONNECTIONCODE Invalid connection code.
1022CONNECTIONCODEIGNORED Connection code ignored.
1023NETDEVINUSE Network device already in use.
1024NETDEVINUSEBYANOTHERPROC Network device already in use by another process.
1025SOCKETDISCONNECTED Socket disconnected.
1026BOARDNUMINUSE Board Number already in use.
1027DEVALREADYCREATED Specified DAQ device already created.
1028BOARDNOTEXIST Tried to release a board which doesn't exist.
1029INVALIDNETHOST Invalid host specified.
1030INVALIDNETPORT Invalid port specified.
1031INVALIDNETIFC Invalid interface specified.
1032INVALIDAIINPUTMODE Invalid input mode specified.
1033AIINPUTMODENOTCONFIGURABLE Input mode not configurable.
1034INVALIDEXTPACEREDGE Invalid external pacer edge specified.
1035CMREXCEEDED Common-mode voltage range exceeded.

INVALIDGAINARRAYLENGTH and INVALIDDIMENSION0LENGTH errors only occur in the .NET class library. The Universal Library will not print or stop if these errors occur, regardless of the error handling configuration specified by the call to MccService.ErrHandling. These errors must be checked by examining the ErrorInfo object returned from MccBoard.WinBufToEngArray.