DAQ HAT Library

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DAQ HAT Library
Open-Source Library for C/C++® and Python™
  • Includes source code and examples
  • Available for download from GitHub

Open-source Library for C/C++ and Python allows users to develop applications on the Raspberry Pi using Linux and MCC DAQ HAT devices.



Labview on RPI
Do drivers support labview via linx on raspberry pi
Hello - No support for LabVIEW is available, nor is currently planned. MCC’s driver has support for C/C++ and Python only.
Bootloader error
I am trying to install a MCC118 onto a raspberry Pi 3. during the stage of running the “mcc118_firmware_update 0 ~/daqhats/tools/MCC_118.hex” I get the response “Error entering the bootloader”
“Error entering the bootloader” is what you see if you have the jumper set for board 1 (for example) and you call “mcc118_firmware_update 0 MCC_118.hex”. The “0” would need to be changed to agree with your address jumper. If you changed the jumper position (or plan to), be sure to power down. After the jumper is set to the desired position, power on (i.e. boot), then run sudo daqhats_read_eeproms (per installation instructions), then run mcc118_firmware_update 0 MCC_118.hex (per the installation instructions).