CreateDaqDevice() method

Creates a device object within the Universal Library for the DAQ device specified by the descriptor, and assigns the specified board number to the DAQ device.

CreateDaqDevice() fails if the specified DAQ device has already been created, since the UL automatically adds any DAQ device stored in cb.cfg by InstaCal. If you want runtime control over device creation, invoke the IgnoreInstaCal() method first. Refer to IgnoreInstaCal() for more information.

Member of the DaqDeviceManager class.

Function Prototype


Public Shared CreateDaqDevice(ByVal boardNum As Integer, ByVal deviceDescriptor As MccDaq.DaqDeviceDescriptor) As MccDaq.MccBoard


public static MccBoard CreateDaqDevice(int boardNum, DaqDeviceDescriptor deviceDescriptor)



The board number to be assigned to the specified device. BoardNum may be 0 to 99.


Information about the device. All deviceDescriptor settings are properties of the MccDaq.DaqDeviceDescriptor class.
