
Detects USB, Bluetooth and Ethernet DAQ devices, and returns device descriptors of the detected devices.

This method detects Ethernet DAQ devices on the same subnet as the host PC. To detect Ethernet DAQ devices on a different subnet than the host PC, use GetNetDeviceDescriptor().

Member of the DaqDeviceManager class.

Function Prototype


public GetDaqDeviceInventory(ByVal InterfaceType As MccDaq.DaqDeviceInterface) As MccDaq.DaqDeviceDescriptor()


public DaqDeviceDescriptor[] GetDaqDeviceInventory(DaqDeviceInterface InterfaceType)



Bit field that specifies the interface type of the detected DAQ device(s). All InterfaceType settings are MccDaq.DaqDeviceInterface enumerated constants. This field may contain any combination of the values listed in the InterfaceType parameter values section below.


Information about the DAQ device. Each descriptor is a property of the DaqDeviceDescriptor() class. All DaqDeviceDescriptor settings are MccDaq.DaqDeviceDescriptor class properties. This field may contain any combination of the values listed in the DaqDeviceDescriptor class property values section below.


InterfaceType parameter values

AnyAny supported bus type.
BluetoothBluetooth device.
EthernetEthernet device.
USBUSB device.

DaqDeviceDescriptor class properties

ProductNameA character array indicating the product name of the detected device.
ProductIDA number associated with the detected device.
InterfaceTypeAn MccDaq.DaqDeviceInterface enumerated constant that indicates the bus type of the detected device. Refer to the InterfaceType parameter values above.
DevStringA character array associated with the detected device. This value may be the same as the ProductName on some devices, but may contain more specific information on other devices.
UniqueIDA string identifier that indicates the serial number of a detected USB device, or the MAC address of a detected Bluetooth or Ethernet device.
NuIDByte array indicating the numeric representation of the unique identifier of the detected device.